Update from Sportech on our Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
While each one of us face unprecedented challenges to our usual behavior and routines due to the global pandemic, we need to prioritize advice and guidance from health authorities, and we urge you to consider your actions and movements currently.
Sportech remains focused on serving our clients to the best of our ability while also protecting the health and welfare of those clients, our employees, and our communities. Sporetch will not ask any staff to travel or place themselves in a potentially higher risk situation. If you feel you are being pressured, do not hesitate to reach out to HR, your manager or indeed me directly.
As we all do our part to help prevent the spread of coronavirus, we will share information and updates on the actions we have taken or are planning to balance client service continuation with personnel health worldwide while also doing our part to mitigate the harm from the COVID-19 pandemic.
It goes without saying that this is an unprecedented moment for all of us, so we urge our friends and colleagues to follow all instructions issued by your local and national health authorities and keep yourselves and your families healthy.
We will publish updates about Sportech PLC, Sportech Racing and Digital, and Bump 50:50 in this space as events and actions dictate. For updates on Sportech’s Winners, MyWinners.com and Bobby V’s operations in Connecticut, please also visit www.mywinners.com and social media sites.
Sportech has been serving our industry for over 100 years and the world and its peoples have endured many difficult events over that time. As we have noted previously, our core business relies on sports and sports require stamina. We will all need that enduring quality to weather this situation, but together, weather it we will.
- Richard McGuire, CEO